Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Some wedding booth props DIY

So the new trend right now is photo booths. I have planned on this from the moment I knew they were a possibility...but to complete the dream I needed the right props. This included the standard felt mustaches, bow ties, lips and of course your run of the mill bride and groom glasses. So I think "hey! These can't be too expensive...i only need a few right?" WRONG! I always check Etsy as my first option because I would rather give an artist my money than a corporation (this is just my personal belief), plus I am an avid DIY-er so I like to encourage those whom do it as well. Whatever the worked out to be wayyyyy more expensive than I expected. In any case, I drew up some fun shapes on the computer and bought stiffened felt (must be stiffened) for about 25 cents a sheet. I then taped on the stencils and cut them out. After they were cut out I hot glued dowels ( about $4 for a pack of 12 at Michaels) to the back and VOILA...they were done!
I just wanted to share my quick DIY project that cost me about $10 to make about 20 props and would have cost about $35 for 8 on Etsy! Here is the finished product:

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